Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Brother...

So I've yet to get our plethora of pics up from our trip to see the grandparents this summer and that's because I can't find the cord to two of our cameras. I guess I could add part of them now and part of them later buuuuut it takes away from the BAM! HERE'S OUR PICS! SAY WUT?! effect I'm going for. 
Anyway, I promised I'd post shenanigans from my brood on the regular so that's what I'm here to do. I came across a few videos the kids took on the drive to Kansas City. If you know me, you know I'm a nut about my camera, and I've also turned all three of my children into camera-toting-nuts. They each have a cheap little point-and-shoot so I don't really notice anymore when one of them is filming something or snapping a shot of something (which makes for some very interesting photos and videos). So I'm going through some of the videos they took and my little guy Owen has a whole series of 'em. Seriously. He could have his own channel on YouTube.
Every few hours during our 900-and-some-odd-mile-journey they'd get sassy with one another. In this particular clip Ethan is apparently not amused with Owen. 
Just a heads up - The music was playing in the truck so you have to really listen to Owen because the little dude's voice gets drowned-out by the music. Also, Owen starts talking to the camera at the same time Ethan asks me a question so there's another time you have to strain to hear Owen. Below is what Owie is saying in case you can't make it out. I'd suggest you read it thru before you watch the video, then watch it, then laugh. 
Owen: "My brother is mean, 
mean, and I mean mean, he's grumpy…(turns camera to Ethan)
he's grumpy right now…

he's…(puffs cheeks and has the camera do a head nod to agree with his assessment of Ethan)." 
Note Ethan's look of annoyance when O turns the camera towards him the second time. And do you notice how serious they both are? I've probably watched this 15 times. Enjoy!

Untitled from Lorri Rumbarger on Vimeo.


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