Friday, December 09, 2011

My Little Owey

Our little guy Owen is beyond entertaining. We recently discussed birthday and Christmas wish lists and he requested some things that an outsider would see as strange. But those that know little Owey shouldn't be surprised. You see, when Owen finds something he likes, For example, when Seth began teaching Owen to swim, he wanted to go to the beach daily, he wore his goggles around the house constantly and bathed in his swim trunks on the regular.

And when we adopted Jersey, I was nervous the poor cat would forget how to walk; Owen lugged the thing around nonstop and chased after it as if he were a mouse and not a four year old boy.

When it comes time to get dressed he's on the picky side. He complains about how clothing feels or looks. And when he finds something he likes, he tries to wear it everyday for three weeks straight. His 'soft pants' got worn over such a long period of time that they needed replaced with a larger size, but Owey wouldn't budge, he'd rather just look as though he's waiting for a flood.

And when he was sent a hat for Christmas, he rocked it 18 hours out of the day...okay, not quite, but he'd get in the tub, get his pj's on, and put the hat back on. He was the same way as a baby - we'd take E and Ari to school and get home and he'd want to keep his beanie on. He even took naps with it on. It was that important.

Another clothing obsession? His birthday shirt. The weeks leading up to his fifth birthday and the week after the event, he sported his custom shirt night and day. At least we got our monies worth.

Or the time he turned his body into a canvas. The kids were painting the neighbors' faces for $0.25, and how did they advertise, you ask? He requested that Ana paint the message on his chest, essentially turning himself into a walking billboard (the cutest walking billboard I've ever seen, I might add).

Which leads me to more sacrifices of the body - the sticker obsession. He went through a phase where he wanted to put stickers on EVERYTHING! And when I told him that walls and furniture were no-go's, he decided to be a smarty pants and use his face as a piece of paper. My munchkin even sat through dinner that way.

And while we're on the topic of food, let me tell you that this is where he is most obsessed. What ever is his new food of the month, he'll request it every time we go to the grocery store or out to eat and he'll want it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. First was chicken.

Then it was spaghetti tacos.

He isn't obsessed with many foods, but the few that he does drool over seem to completely rock that kid's world! Let me put all of this into perspective; he asked for fried chicken for Christmas. 

True story. 

So it should have been no surprise when the following conversation took place.

As you all know, we recently found out that Seth will be going to North Carolina this summer for F15 training. Upon hearing this news Owen replies, with a concerned tone of voice, "Do they have a beach in Norf Tear-o-lina?"

Me: Yep, it's a further drive then the beach by our house in Florida, but they do have a beach."

O: Good. Can I bring my bedroom to Norf Tear-o-lina?

Me: Yes baby, everything in your bedroom will come with us.

O: Good. Now, does it rain orange chicken in Norf Tear-o-lina?

Me: No you silly goose, it doesn't rain orange chicken.

O: Aw man. Well, that's okay, we can still move there.

Goodness I love that little dude...obsessions and all.



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