Monday, July 09, 2012

Weekend Warriors

I don't know what happened ya'll but this weekend came and we grabbed it by the horns and got so much accomplished. I love when I can start the week with nothing hanging over my head, everything on my to-do list crossed off, and a sense of accomplishment. And on top of all that we managed to have loads of fun too. So that's a double dose of awesomeness in my opinion - be productive and have fun with the kidlets. Woot!

I will begin by saying that I have the coolest kids ever. Seriously. I know I say it all the time and you may want to puke from my gushy mommyness but fo' reals, my babies are the bomb(dot)com. They are so creative and so funny and so smart and they are soooooo so entertaining.

When I got home on Friday I walked through my front door and straight into the midst of a nerf gun battle. Nerf gun battles are serious business in our house. We own like 15 nerf guns, no exaggeration, a shit-ton of nerf ammo, and the battleground consists of the entire house. When I got home on Friday my brood had even taken it to another level by donning PPE. Well, I call it PPE because I'm in the Air Force and I'm a smartass but in all actuality it was simply various combinations of bike helmets, hats, elbow pads, and rain boots.

Man, Owen looks like a straight up gangster. Look at that pose. I'm convinced he practices that in front of a mirror. Ballin'!

I love how Ethan looks so sweet and cute with his innocent smile on his face and the two little ones are trying to look hard. And do you notice the little stuff monkey in Ariana's shirt in the first photo. That little dude's name is Mr Monkey and there is a whole story behind him but we'll leave that for another day.

I walked back to the hallway that leads to their bedrooms and this note had even been written as a warning. It reads: hard hat work area.

After they wore themselves out with Nerf gun fun I attempted to calm them down a notch with a little bribery baking. We love peanut butter cookies in this house, especially blossoms (you know, the ones you put the hershey kiss in the middle?) we'll, we didn't have any hershey kisses on hand but we made some PB cookies and they were yuuuuuummy. Every time E picked one up it fell apart, but Owen was able to keep his intact. I don't know what that was all about...

Owen lost his second front tooth. Last summer his Uncle Drake taught them all to brush their teeth when they fell out so that the tooth fairy will give you more money for it being nice and sparkly. The tradition has stuck.

And here's my monkey's new smile.

While we're on the topic of Owen, my little dude loves writing and drawing. I love that he randomly asks me for paper and pencil, then he goes to work with great concentration and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He's done this since he was two or so and I hope he doesn't stop anytime soon!

Why is he wearing goggles, you ask? I don't know. I don't ask certain questions anymore. They do such silly things on a regular basis that it's not even odd anymore for me to walk into a room and see such a sight.

My little guy wore himself out so much that he put himself down for a nap. Now before you get all crazy keep in mind that he's six so we don't have nap time in our house anymore. But eeeeeevery once in a while there is an exception to the rule:

He even kicked his favorite blanket and stuffed animal to the curb in his sleep.

He woke up in time, though, for movie night. I found these cute little buckets at Michael's for .99 cents. Here they go again automatically standing like the cingular bars. Even their popcorn buckets are like the cingular bars. And they all just happened to show me the side of their bucket that read 'candy' what are the odds of that?

So I asked them to flip their buckets around and to also hold them at the same height. Take two.

That'll work.

We went to the beach Saturday. It was soooo crowded. Living in Destin means we have a lot to do but it also means that during the summer and spring break we get loads of tourists so the beach was packed. That didn't stop Owen from eating his turtle brownie though. Mmmmm, there's something so yummy about eating sweet chocolate in the midst of the salty air.

Ari was in the water 99% of the time. Though she did take a few minutes to work on her tan, as if it needs any work...

Spending a day at the beach meant I had cool summery desserts on the brain all weekend. Cue the left over margarita mix from a get-together I hosted last weekend. But for the kids popsicles I left out the liquor. I'm sorta thoughtful like that.

And while we had the strawberries out it felt only natural that we make mini cheesecakes.

Owen took forever to decide how to decorate his. Apparently blueberries and strawberries were far too many options.

I swear they stand in this order on their own...

Owen is obsessed with cool whip. Seriously. Everytime we go to the store he asks for it and anytime he has a snack he wants to top his snack with it. And last Christmas, while filling our yearly time capsule questionnaire he somehow incorporated cool whip in to many of his answers. I wouldn't make this up.

Ariana dug out their plethora of play-doh toys but we were plum outta play-doh. I remembered pinning a recipe so I broke out the recipe and gave it a whirl. It turned out PERFECT! Oh yeah, caps lock, that just happened.

The play-doh kept them entertained for hours. And yes, Ariana poses more often with a silly face than a serious one. At least she likes the camera. Once they ditched the play-doh they wanted to have a dance-off so they danced their little hearts out to Just Dance 2 on the Wii. That game is a mini workout let me tell you. I was hot after two songs. I don't know how the older two danced for over an hour. Oh to be young and full of endless energy again.

Owen only participated in a song or two then found his way to his beloved legos. Legos are a lifesaver in our house. They keep all three kiddos entertained all. the. time. Tonight Owen made a 'barricade' and the 'bad guys' were trying to 'break through.'

And somehow, after doing all that (and more) alone (it's our third weekend sans Daddy) I'm still full of energy, even though I should be fast asleep since I have to wake up in less than five hours. Oh well, sleep is for the birds.



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