Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The 10 Day Itch

I have not posted in 10 days.

That's because I have been so busy that I haven't even kept up with my own loved ones - shame on me. Seriously, that sounded sarcastic but in all seriousness, shame on me. It's just that we are trying to get in the groove of things, me and my crew of three. I spent nights packing our apartment, woke the kids up at midnight several times a week to run to Wal-Mart for free boxes to pack with, and lived in "the box graveyard" as we ended up calling it. There were so many boxes we had to weave in and out of on a daily basis. We had so many boxes that the kids found it amusing to play hide-and-seek among them.

We ate pizza more times in a month than many do in six months because I was too tired, or too busy packing to cook, or finally packed the last of the pots and pans.

Boxes were taped and packed and taped again until we were so delirious we wore shorts on our heads. Seriously, those are shorts...

Jersey's not a fan of change, he prefers dolla dolla bills ya'll! Haha. No? No one? Okay, I admit, that was corny. But he doesn't like changes to his environment so naturally he was. not. amused.

This lasted for weeks and was so consistent that it became almost normal and yet so sad because it no longer felt like our home. And I'm one that needs to feel at home. Being military I've came across people that ask why I bother hanging curtains or painting walls or buying a lot of furniture when I'm 'just gonna move in a few years' or 'the movers are just gonna damage it' but regardless of whether I'll be in a place for four months or four years I need it to feel like mine. I need it to feel cozy and inviting and if hanging curtains does the trick, well then I'll happily be hanging a lot of curtains in my lifetime.

I say all that because now that we are finally out of our Destin apartment and into our new home in Crestview we are slowly trying to make it feel like ours. And can we all join hands and do a celebratory river dance that our internet was finally transferred today. Apparently the satellite guy (yeah, the girl that watches an average of an hour of television every two weeks got satellite, try not to faint) took the only cable that was hooked to the house so the internet guy had to physically come out to the house to put in another line. I contemplated posting to the blog from my janky iPhone 3 but it takes 3.5 hours to simply look up the number to Papa John's let alone post something to this blog. I'm in desperate need of an upgrade, and I love Apple products (recall my post here) so I'm not badmouthing Apple, I'm simply saying that my old school iPhone needs the boot and the newer one needs to take its place but I feel terribly guilty spending that much money on a phone for myself. I bought Seth one last year and had no guilt but when I think of buying myself one I want to vomit. I think it's called being a mom and putting everyone before yourself. Besides, I could feed Owen for like two months with the amount of money I'd have to spend on an newer iPhone, and that says a lot because that kid. can. eat. True story.

And to update you on Momma and Ana I'm still searching for that damn camera cord every time I open a box. Grrr, we will find it soon enough and it will be well worth the wait. This week we have a little something special planned for Momma and Ana so stay tuned for that on Wednesday. Oh, and we'll be recording it on this here MacBook Pro so no worries about not being able to link the video.

Okay, that doesn't quite catch you up to date, in fact that doesn't even put a dent in it, but now that I've got a bit of sanity back in the form of dwindling the box graveyard down to a handful of boxes I should be better able to focus on catching ya'll up. From the kids' first day of school, to Owen's own 'big boy bedroom' to waking up to 30-something fish in the house (longish story), to bathing with baby wipes because of an ouchie in the hot water heater, I have enough updates to keep you entertained for weeks. It keeps you entertained. It keeps me with a glass of wine in my hand. I'd say that's a win-win.

Nighty night, ya'll


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