Friday, August 26, 2016

Nuby Giveaway!

Full Disclosure: As a Nuby Parent Blogger I receive Nuby products at no cost, however all words and opinions are my own. 

It’s that time again! Review and giveaway time with Nuby! First, I have to say that I absolutely adore working with Nuby, their team is amazing. And I’m so grateful to be one of Nuby’s Parent Bloggers, their products are so innovative and I get so excited to share their products with other parents. A few months ago I found myself in this long-winded conversation with a complete stranger after she asked me about the Nuby Keepez Cup accessory that she saw attached to my shopping cart. It hadn’t been released yet so I was breaking out my phone finding the release date for her and showing her exactly how it worked. Best job ever, right?! So thank you, Nuby for creating awesome products - we love what you do!

Now, I’ll tell you, I have been able to try loads of sippy cups and the one I want to show you today is in my top two favorites. I have found that some sippy cups leak even though they claim to be leak-proof and let me tell you, its a pain. Avery still nurses so she doesn’t drink cow’s milk and I don’t give her juice so the only thing she gets in her sippy cup is water (and the occasional smoothie when her big brother makes us all one for breakfast) so if her sippy cup leaks its truly not the end of the world because its just water on the floor or her clothes but its still annoying. Which is why I love the Clik-it Designer FlexStraw Cup. It truly doesn't leak. I let her walk around the house with her cups and although she’s getting better at putting them on a table or whatnot when she’s done, she will still get distracted at times and leave it laying horizontally on the floor or rug but its fine by me because it doesn’t drip. My theory as to why it doesn’t leak is that your child has to ever so slightly bite or put pressure on the straw as they sip to get the liquid out, so if there is no pressure on the straw, it doesn’t come out. The shape is also nice as she can easily grip it AND I have found you can use the handle of your other Nuby cups with it and it still works the same, so if your babe prefers handles you’re still able to use this cup. 

Another Nuby product getting loads of use in our house lately are the Little Squirts Bath Squirters. Av loves squeezing the water out of them. We use some in the tub and some as pool toys when she goes swimming. And she loves lining them up. She’s in the stage where she loves to clean and order (Hallelujah), well, for the most part, trust me, she can still demolish both her room and toy room in under 20 seconds but then she’ll clean it all up if I ask her (the clean-up song helps). So lining them up is her favorite, then we turn it into a learning game and she “counts” them. Everything is “two”...we’re working on it.  

Now! Head over to my Instagram to enter to win a Nuby Cup of your own! Xx

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