Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Look, Ma! No Pants!

Hands. No hands. No pants would just be awkward. Although she did birth me and change my diapers and witness my tiny 17 year old body give birth to an almost 9 pound, big headed little dude so maybe it wouldn't be as awkward as one might expect. Am I embarrassing you yet Mother? Cause I could keep going.  Man, you should be proud that your kid is such a proper broad. Okay, okay, I'm moving on, for your sake...

Sooo, I fixed my toilet. Yeah, you heard me - Imma talk about toilets today. Classy me. We've only lived in this house for five months. And we are the first occupants. So when we had a wobbly toilet seat within a month of moving in (yeah, this post is waaaay late) I was all like...?!?!?!*&$(@#*?!$#@?!#?!?!
So when I got a coupon in the mail for Ace Hardware I was all like, "They have to have toilet seats at a hardware store."
So off to Ace I went and boom, toilet seat in my face...

Oh, and excuse all the crappy iPhone photos in this post.

Best part? I paid only a dollar something after the coupon. Holla. 
So with my helper present I tackled the hard part. 

And by 'hard' I mean gross. And by gross I mean kinda fun. I got all handsy with the toilet seat and discovered it was only a matter of unscrewing two plastic looking screw thing a am jiggers and bam. Toilet unhinged. 
It's like whoa.

And here I found the reason we were having issues, the little hinge on it had cracked. No bueno.

Then I put the new, unbroken seat on and called it a day. Now we can sit without sliding off. For real, I'd sit on it forgetting it was broke and it would sliiiiide and I'd be this.close. to busting my bare ass on the linoleum floor. 
Keepin' it real. 
So there you are, a little update. I know you we're just saying you needed an update on our shenanigans - bet you never thought I'd take you to the bathroom. Then again, you know me well enough to expect the unexpected. 

Peace and Love,
Ur classy kid

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