Sunday, April 28, 2013

Get Tough

Made it home at o'dark.thirty after two red bulls, a five hour energy, 700 miles, and a honey bun that contained far more calories than any human being needs from a single serving of food. 

Brushed our teeth. Fed the cats and collapsed in bed. Together. The house was still and it just felt right to bunk as a pair. 

Woke up. Showered. Dressed. Two cups of coffee and a 30 minute drive later and was greeted with fake smiles and blank stares. Unbeknownst to me chaos was about to ensue. Unfortunately. 

Having recently experienced a tragedy in my family, as well as having lived through good and bad in life, I calmed myself down by reminding myself that regardless of what the conclusion of this situation was I am going to be just fine. Happy. Thankful. Hopeful. And that it would continue to mold me into the person I'm intended to be. 
Because guess what?! We've all been through ups and downs. And for me, the most fucked up thing that happened to me occurred before I even had double digits in my age, and  yet it simply made me better equipped to deal with these other stressful situations in life. I refuse to let others get me down. I refuse let innocent mistakes define me. I'll continue to be quirky, dorky, silly, complex Lorri that realizes that shit happens and that it's the way you handle it that matters. 

Give me frequent breaks, world. But go ahead and sprinkle in challenges here and there. Because, in the words of the ever-so-eloquent Lil Wayne, "all this bullshit just makes me strong, motherfucker." 

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