Some pretty phenomenal folks have stemmed from DC, let's see...there's me. Aaaaand, well, me. Okay, so I'm the only person I know 'stemming from' aka born in DC and even then we didn't live in DC. Nope. The parents and big bro lived in Maryland, Fort Meade to be exact, but DC was the closest military hospital and so that's how I hail from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. My parents built their first home in Missouri when my father was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood (or Fort Lost in the Woods as us kids of TriTown so lovingly called it, because it was in the boondocks). But soon after moving off-post my dad got orders and the folks decided it was best for our family for dad to do his tour in Italy solo. So we stayed in our new house and dad went overseas. After Italy came Virginia. And while he was stationed in Virginia we went for a visit, and that was the first time I had been to DC since making my debut into the world. I tell you all this because it was important to me to bring my kids to visit DC at least once in their lives as well. And since we were flying out of DC to get to England, we figured it was the perfect time for a trip there, since we were already on the east coast and everything.
This past weekend we took a quick little trip south and with any trip comes photos. So this evening, when going to sort through the photos I took, I came across some photos of our trip to Washington DC in April right before we left America. Things have been so hectic that I forgot to even share these beauties. And I have more from Easter. Shocker, right? Lorri Rumbarger is forgetful and unorganized? No! Okay, yes. Such is my life this past year and a half...but I'm gonna get back into the groove of things, just you wait.
We started at the Air and Space museum, naturally. And I was so busy reading signs to children that I didn't take many photos. The little ones did though. I'll be back with the photos they took tomorrow. All I got was this one.
But when we headed outdoors I was able to get more shots since the kids were busy running, skipping, and hopping around, leaving me time with the camera.
My little two love taking photos so I always give them a point and shoot when we go on vacation. Here's Owen in action:
It was admittedly chilly out on this particular day, but only when the wind blew. When the wind wasn't blowing it was perfect.
When I was little the Lincoln Memorial was my favorite attraction in DC. I think I was in awe of the size of the statue of said president. The photo I took below doesn't give you a good scale of how big he is but he's ginourmous. And the first time I visited DC I expected the water in the reflecting pool to be deeper and being blown away that it was only a few inches deep. So it was cool to see my kiddos react the same way I did when they saw it for the first time.
The Washington Monument was having work done on it so it was surrounded in scaffolding, which doesn't make for pretty photos but I went for it anyway.
The one clear shot I got of The White House gave me an error message and didn't allow me to export it from my memory card. Boo! Hopefully the kids got a good shot of it one their card. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Here the little ones are climbing on some statue, I don't remember what it was but it was right outside The White House. There were benches nearby and we were pooped so we sat down to let the kids rest, which lasted thislong and then they got up and began their ascent to the top.
And can you believe that this trip to DC in April was the first time I ever rode the subway? And let me tell you, I was scurred and little flustered because I didn't understand how to use the system at first. But once we got the hang of it we were hopping on and off the right lines in no time.
So there you are, my quick little recap of DC. Tomorrow I'll post the kids' pics and then our photos from this past weekend. Until then, stay classy my friends...
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