Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Look Back

This year is almost over - crazytown, right? So I was going through my thousands of photos to start organizing them so that making this year's family photo book  would be easy peasy. And I came across some moments I forgot about. Good thing I'm camera happy, I love looking back on the photos now and then and laughing with the kids about a memory or remembering a precious moment in life. And to think this past year I pretty much did alone because the hubby was busy flying multi-million dollar jets in North Carolina while I was still stationed at Eglin. It was tough at times but it also reminded me that I got this. Always. Because all these things and more, were done with no other adult as back up.

Let us begin with some good ole fashion child labour...

This girl *points to self* singing to mah jam...


And first days of school...

Family visits...

And sass during road trips...

Purchasing a guppy, then realising she's pregnant...

Spilling paint in my brand-new car...and on my boots...

Soccer games...

Promotions via Skype in our box-filled, it's-almost-moving-day, condo...

Too much pizza because all our pots and pans are packed away...


Hallway gameplay?...

Trips to the beach...

Creatures found by my middle child...

Knowing Lowe's like the back of our hand...

More selfies...

A pretty little girl that's not afraid to get a little dirty...

Selfies. You sensing a theme?...

My number one getting way too big...

Scarring my youngest for life with a scary face as he instructs me to 'smile fo' da camera'...

Finding mommy's childhood jellybean bunny at Nana and Papa's house...

A Christmas tree that looked good for the first five minutes it was put up

Messes. Fun, fun messes...

Cuties that are mine...

Fro-yo on the fly...

Hotels with interesting conveniences...

Movie nights...

Sugar. Way too much sugar...

More freckles by the year...

Poses struck...

Taking in Fall, my favourite time of year...

Shopping with my boo, and choosing each other the ugliest outfits we could find to try on... 

Trips as just the four of us...

One smooth dude...

Pumpkin patch yumminess...

Late night trips to pick up boxes for yet another move...


And with all the fun we have, we still have those moments were we get frustrated with each other. Case in point, Owen's note to me that he set outside his bedroom door after I sent him to time-out.

There are moments when it's good. There are moments when it's fun and exciting. There are moments when it's really hard. But at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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