Friday, May 23, 2014

Creepy Chaperones

Owen: *As he reads a sign in the doctor's office* Mama, what is a chaaaap-er-oooone?

Me: It's a person that could come into the room with the doctor if you didn't feel comfortable with only the doctor being in the room. Chaperones can be used for a lot of things - being in the room with a doctor. Or when I come to your classroom to help out that's also called a chaperone. Basically a chaperone watches what is happening and everyone is aware they are there to watch what is going on.

Owen: What's it called when someone watches what is happening but no one knows they are there?

Me: That's called a creeper.

Owen: *Giggles*

Me: Or a voyeur.

Owen: Or a stalker!

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