Friday, July 04, 2014

First and Last

I take photos like their going out of style. So when the first day of school came around I wanted to document it. I don't do the same thing every year. Hell, sometimes it's nothing more than a hurriedly snapped picture as I'm dropping them off in front of the school. Maybe if we lived in the same house the kids' entire lives I'd do something consistent like in front of our door or on our porch, but since we move, move, and move some more, I don't stress myself out with consistency, instead I'm just stoked they are all fed, clothed, clean, and making it to school on time. 

Real talk. So their first day of school photo for this school year was taken as we were about to head out of the door. We always drop them off on their first day. And since Owen went to one school and the older two went to a different school Seth took O and I took E and Ari. So I snapped this photo before we all split ways. Sam even plopped in the pic.

So cute. Then, ten months later. On the last day of school, we snapped another photo, in the same spot. Just look at their faces, they've all grown so much. Sam so much so that her big butt couldn't even fit on the steps anymore so she had to pose on the landing instead. 

Now it's summertime. Time to do fun summer shit.

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