Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kid Convos

It's been a while since I shared some Kid Convos so here we go:

Owen wanted to hold Avery, whom was currently being held by Ari

Owen: (impatiently) Let me hold her, Ari!
Ari: (calmly) I'll let you hold her when your negative energy is gone.

After Sammy ate raw meat when it fell on the floor:

Owen: (in the twangy, southern accent he gets at times) Sammy gonna die. I feel sorry for her.

While smelling fast food as we walked into a building:

Owen: Eh, it smells like grease, fat, and unhealthiness.
Me:  You're Silly.
Owen: No, literally it smells like that.

While watching Ari peruse a town on Minecraft

Me: How log are you staying in this village?
Ari: Long enough to get back on my feet.

The kids were playing their version of hide-and-go-seek where the person looking for the others is blindfolded the whole time.

Ari: Mom can you tie the blindfold?
Me: Yeah, but wouldn't it be wiser to put it on downstairs. How will you make it down safely? 
Ari: (matter-of-factly) I'll use echo location.

At the dinner table eating (note: Daddy was still at work)

Owen: What would u do if daddy just started tossing hundred dollar bills in the air when he got home? I mean, all I'd need is five like five of those bad boys and I'd be set for the rest of my childhood. *shrugs and continues to eat*

Owen after asking what time he had to be up in the morning.

Owen: I ask because I need at least 10 hours of sleep each night, otherwise I need Redbull and coffee in the morning.

I walk downstairs to the couch cushions everywhere and blankets and pillows all over the living room floor, the middle two are growling and jumping from cushion to cushion.

Me: What's happening in here?
Owen: We're playing 'Cheetah'.
Owen then pounces from all four, jumps on Ari, and hits her back super hard.
Me: Owen Miles!
Ari: (not phased by the assault) Mom! It's 'Cheetah'!!!

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