Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Freshly Picked

*Full Disclosure: I was provided with the product in this post at no cost. However, all opinions and words are my own. 

If you're the parent of a young child I'm sure you've heard about Freshly Picked by now. If you haven't, allow me to fill you in. Freshly Picked is a popular company known for making adorable baby shoes, it started with a mama hand-making leather moccasins and eventually grew into the successful company it is today. 

Before Avery began walking I didn't think much about baby shoes. She had a few pair but I wasn't a baby shoe hoarder or anything. Tights though, I hoarded baby tights from the giddy-up.  But when she took her first steps I knew I needed to start looking for good quality shoes for when she started full-on walking. As a mom to four kids, I'm no stranger to hand-me-downs, but shoes is one of the things I only buy new. That's because we each have our own wear pattern that forms inside our shoes due to our specific gait, when you put on someone else's worn shoe your foot doesn't have the proper support it needs. And with a new walker it's especially important to put them in proper shoes! 

Avery started full-on walking at 10 months old. At that age (read: shoe size) it was tough to find shoes that were ideal for walking. They were all either stiff, thick soles or very thin, fabric soles. I wanted something that wasn't too thin but I also didn't want a thick, stiff sole for obvious reasons. So when Freshly Picked sent us a pair of their moccasins I was pretty excited to see how my Little Miss got on with them. 

She loves them. 

She has absolutely no trouble at all walking in them. And I don't worry about the soles being super thick to prevent her from walking comfortably. Her feet stay dry and she can easily move in them. Additionally, they don't fall off! They have elastic on the inside that allows the mocc to hug her foot enough to where it won't come off but not so much to where it would be a bother. 

 When you check out Freshly Picked's website you'll see they have loads of amazing colours to choose from. It was so tough to pick one! I want them all! I sense shoe hoarding in my future now.

So mamas, friends, and family go check out Freshly Picked for the babe in your life. They stand behind their products, their employees are lovely to deal with, and their products couldn't get any cuter. Doesn't get much better than that. 

*Full Disclosure: I was provided with the product in this post at no cost. However, all opinions and words are my own. 

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