Monday, December 10, 2012


As most of you know I was a stay-at-home-mommy for almost eight years. Then life happened, and not only did I no longer get to spend every moment with my kidlets, I moved cross country, causing me to miss scraped knees and kisses goodnight. Yeah, talk about shock of a lifetime. After sloooooowly adjusting to "a new normal" (as I call it) I realized life was going to be forever different. And I realized that with this new normal comes new traditions. And so I began making my crew a video near the year's end with a glimpse of things we had done throughout the previous year. Along with the video came the tradition of making a family yearbook. They watch it before bed when we're apart, and even request to watch it sporadically even when we are together. Good times.

I've yet to make this year's video but I'm a few months overdue for a different sort of video - one highlighting our recent move. As I mentioned in my last post, the kiddos and I have moved a gajillion times it feels like. And my goodness, my kids are little troopers. They went from living with me in Pensacola in 2010, to their Dad's in NM in 2011, back to me in 2012, then three months after moving back in with me we moved to a roomier house 45 minutes away from our Destin apartment. That's four moves in two years for them! So needless to say there were some mixed feelings about our most recent, voluntary move to our current place. Owen gave me the most resistance, said he loved our place in Destin. And so did I, of all the places I've ever lived it was the smallest and most expensive but it was the one that felt most like ours, most like home. So I promised Owen and the older two that I would make this new place feel just as cozy as our last. And I reminded him that while it sucked moving so many times, it wasn't the house that made it a home, it was the people in it as well as the memories made there. So here's a video containing a few pictures from the last few months, from a few days before moving day in August to present day. Enjoy.

Psst - if you want to see the videos from 2010 and 2011 just click the video page under the blog header and scroll to 'family videos.'

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