Friday, March 15, 2013


That's my record. In seconds. 52. 
I do this thing. Ever since I was a little girl I do this thing when I'm taking a bath where I lay back, plug my nose, and go underwater. And I hold my breath as long as possible.  Slowly and calmly counting how long I'm able to stay under. 
You slide under the warm water and you hold your breath and it feels as though everything stops.  Your mind  is clear. You're all alone. And then when you come to the surface you are reminded that you are alive. And to be so very grateful for that. You take in a deep breath and your worries are washed away, even if only for the moment. You realize that every breath you're given is a gift. And you remind yourself not to take this life for granted.  You're  reminded to appreciate everything youve ever been through, the goods, the bads, the ups, the downs. The heartaches. The joy. Those that have left you and those that have stuck by your side. You're reminded to appreciate every little thing no matter how hard or inperfect it has been. Because it makes us who we are. And we should love who we are. And even though life isn't perfect, we all have so much to be grateful for. 

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