Sunday, April 07, 2013

Dear Ariana

Note: I thought I pressed publish on this post but just realized it had been sitting in draft form all the time. I originally wrote it on 19 March. 

My little Ana, she reminds me of myself as a child, in certain ways. I definitely wasn't as outgoing as she is but I see similarities in other ways. Like how emotional we are. And I don't mean boo hoo bawling our eyes out when we see puppies or anything but we feel - whether it's excitement, disappointment, etc, it takes hold of us, we feel it to our core. Maybe passionate is a better way to describe us. 

Anyway, because I'm so...passionate...I tend to share experiences and advice with her as she goes through situations and stages. The other night I wrote her a letter, which I've done before, sort of a sappy mom thing I do on the rare occasion that the situation calls for it. Some parts are omitted because they are more private but I the excerpt below gives you an idea how close we are in this house to the teenage years with a daughter! 

Dear Ariana,

Through your life you'll begin to realize that the only way to guarantee your happiness and success is to love and accept yourself and set a goal. You'll slowly realize that not all your friends are as loyal as you and not all your lovers love like you, but you'll know that they have all tried their best - even when it didn't seem like it. Because we all have a past, a story, a defining moment or two in our lives that made us who we are. 
And you'll realize that just because someone says "I love you" it doesn't mean they won't let you down. 
You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll wonder why on earth you were put here. But one day you'll find it. You'll find the reason for all of this. For you. For us. For chaos. For serenity. For soap in your eyes and mud on your jeans. For a boy that disappoints you with a phone call that never comes. 
And some days you'll long for childhood again where you hadn't a care in the world except whether to put a princess or a spongebob bandaid on your scrapped knee. 
And one day a boy that you loved with everything you have will break your heart. And while you can't put a bandaid on that kind of pain you can rest assured that he is simply another chapter in the amazing story that is your life. So with every heartbreak, struggle, and disappointment keep your chin up high my beautiful girl. Turn the page. And begin to write a new chapter. Because this life is yours to make great. 


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