Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Italy in Photos - Part II

I understand that I shared the first part of our Italian adventures last year, but I'm just now getting around to posting the rest of the photos. What can I say? I'm unorganized, work a full-time job, have a husband, a dog, travel, and am responsible for keeping three humans thriving. So without further ado, here are some more of the photos I meant to publish…oooohhhhh…seven months ago or so? If you need your memory refreshed you can see the other photos here. Essentially, we ate a ton, saw the sites, and spent some awesome family time together. That's pretty much the gist of any holiday we go on: Eat, see the sites we have our hearts set on, shop, and hang out with on another. Call us simple. Or call us The Rumbargers, we answer to either one.

Ponte Vecchio was beautiful, and Florence had awesome shopping.

Of the numerous countries I've visited in our 11 months here, they all have interesting statues. Read: Europe has naked statues e'rywhere. But this one is kind of a big deal:

Everyone that truly knows me know that I have many blonde moments. I'll blame it on the facts that I was a blonde when I was little, my mother is a blonde, and my brain hurts when I think too hard. So as we are driving to Florence I see a speed limit sign and squeal something along the lines of Oh sweet Mary Magdalene, they have a 90 mile per hour speed limit! That's bananas, I'm taking a pic because no one will believe this. Seth, being accustom to my blonde moments just responded with, that's kilometers per hour babe. Don't hurt yourself thinking too hard again. And of course I immediately GTS and sure as shit he was right. Rat bastard.

But let's rewind, yes? We started the trip in the early morn a few days prior at the airport. Ari's headpiece is gorge if I do say so myself...This pic below is obviously blurry but it was too great not to share. Owen is not a morning person. A disdain for the AM runs in his blood - it comes from me. Every. single. weekday morning is a battle with him. He will find something wrong with everything. But this morning he was sweet as pie. And seeing his sweet smile on his sweet face made my heart happy.

I have a number one thing I want to see or do in each country we visit. This trip it was The Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was beyond impressive.

And check out the photo below. We took a family selfie in front of it as well. You can't see much of it since we have 374 people in our family but what can I say - family selfies have just become a thing for us. We never did it on purpose but after looking after photos from our travels around the world and the states I noticed we took a selfie of the five of us everywhere we went, so now we make certain to keep the tradition going. Even when we have an opposing we still crank out a selfie. I'm totally making a photo book with all said selfies in it at the end of this year. 

Food is another priority. I'm always stoked to try what it is the waiter/waitress suggests.

 Our rental car was itty bitty. We are a family of five so we are used to the big obnoxious American vehicles so to be in this thing was interesting. The kids where unwillingly all over each other. Ari eventually shut the boys out by getting lost in a book. She's my little bookworm. So is Owen, but he was more interested in the "walking stick" in his hand.

Seth loves going to aquariums. If we were childless he'd be shit out of luck because I think some of the things there are neat but not enough to go without the kids.  But the boyfriend likes and we have a slew of kids so we tend to go more often than you'd think. There have been times where I'm like, "Oh my goodness there's the Mona Lisa! Let's go get a photo in front of it." And he's like, "I wonder if there is an aquarium nearby."

We let the kids rip and run in the little apartment we rented. And they watched Rush Hour in Italian. They even laughed at all the right parts even though they didn't understand what was being said. I'm sure there is some type of scientific explanation.

If I made this post any longer it'd be a crime. So I'll wrap things up with a Part III in…oh, say, 10 months? In the meantime, shave your legs and brush your teeth. Oh, and gawk at my cute kids.



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