Saturday, April 26, 2014

Things that make me go, "Wha?!"

Luckily mine are fabulous, so listen up!

I like to think of myself as pretty laid back. In fact, I've been told that it's both a good and bad trait of mine. Some situations, I suppose, call for a more alert response than what I typically give but I think it's just in my blood not to get too worked up over things. Besides, me getting spun up isn't going to change something that's already happened - right?!

Now let's talk about the few things that get under my skin. 

1. People that claim to be bored. Maybe because when I was younger, maybe elementary school aged, I'd tell my mom I was bored and one day she listed so many things I could be doing, so many things I had, so many adventures I could get in to. Since that day I have never, ever felt or been bored. Maybe the words she spoke to me changed my outlook on it all but when people say they are bored I can't even comment on it. I think Louis C.K. sums it up perfectly when he says,

“I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.”

2. Kids having meltdowns in public because they don't get their way and their parents giving in to what they want. They are that way because of you! You taught them they can do that and it'll help them get what they want, so quit your bitchin', put your big girl or boy panties on, and stick to your guns. The world will thank you in 20 years when they're not bratty, self-entitled adults.

3. Giving everyone a trophy or certificate simply for…existing? This one slays me. I coached cheerleading for 5 and 6 year olds a few years ago and during one of the games I asked the ref what the score was. He quickly informed me that they don't keep score because they don't want the children to be concerned with winning or losing. My response?...What?! Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with the parent that's cursing at the ref for making a bad call at a little league game. But I feel like this whole, 'we don't keep score' thing is on the other end of the extreme. Let's stick to a nice middle ground. Have fun. Keep score. If you lose, whatever, just try harder, practice better, and try again next time. If you win - good on ya, keep that shit up and stay on your game. Not everyone wins. And if they aren't taught that when they are young they will be in a world of hurt when they are older and exposed to how life really works.

4. Bad eyebrows. Seriously. I see far too many women with brows that are completely fucked to hell. And if you are guilty of this, your friends either also have terrible brows or they simply hate you and are laughing at how silly you look.

The struggle is real folks:

So there's a wee list of the few things that irk me. What would make your list? 

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