Sammy is losing hope that I'll ever stop dressing her up. She sees my camera and immediately lays down like, "let's get this shit over with." Seriously though, she's pretty awesome about it. But don't go thinking she's an angel all the time; it's just a snap shot folks. Yesterday I found her eating an entire tomato in the dining room. It had been on the counter. And this morning during our walk we stopped by the playground and she attempted to climb the slide. Not the ladder to the slide. The actual slide. So there's that.
The movers have come and gone and now we're living on "stick furniture" for the next few weeks. We figured we'd rather go without the majority of our belongings on this end of the move since there are more resources here like temporary furniture. Let me be completely ungrateful for a minute though and complain about these mattresses - they're terrible. I can literally feel the springs stabbing my body. And I wake up sore. I rarely feel my age but dude, these mattresses make me feel my age all night and for the first few minutes upon waking. I need to stop cheaping out and go buy a mattress topper. And the biggest size bed they have is like a full...or maybe it's even a queen, either way I know it's not a king and therefore it's too small. First world problems.
Avery's newest thing is noticing any and all ceiling lights. She gets the cheesiest grin and starts pointing incessantly whilst "talking" about it all. And she's still all about climbing as well. On everything. She's such a little "dangerbug" as my dad would say. She will use pillows, toys, stools, anything as a makeshift stool. Nothing is safe. Nothing.
Ethan is ready for his license and that terrifies and elates me all at the same time. It's like, you're my baby and I can't believe you can drive alone but I'd also like for you to run to the store and grab some wine milk for me so I can stay home bra-less. Internal conflicts.
Seth touched the dryer for the third time in our entire marriage this week. I take that back, at one point in our marriage when I was still in the Air Force we were stationed apart from each other because he was in flight training so he had to use a dryer at that time. So edit that to say he touched the dryer for the third time of our "living together" portion of marriage. Note I didn't say loaded or unloaded. I said touched. He calls me a diva quite often but I'll just let you all decide who should really hold that title. This is the same guy that asks which cabinet things are in in the kitchen because that's how often he has to make his own food. And I recently heard someone talk shit about Gordon Ramsey due to the supposed fact that he's only ever changed like three diapers ever and I was all, "Uhhhhh, what's wrong with that?!" *insert shrug emoji. I guess we just operate different over here. Basically his life is rough. And he doesn't know where the cutting boards belong.
I may or may not have started looking for birthday gifts for Ariana back in February. We've got 'til April, people. I don't know if it's the fact that I live in England and anything I order will take 172 days to arrive in the post or if I'm really just "that mom." Admittedly, it may be a combo.
Alright, I've rambled on and I've gotta hop in the shower before the baby wakes because hygiene.
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