Full Disclose: The product in this post was provided to me at no cost. However all words and opinions are my own.
I'm a bit of a natural-living mom, but I'm by no means crunchy.
Trust me. I've met crunchy mamas and I'm not one.
In the words of my girlfriend, "I'm the crunchiest noncrunchy mom ever."
With that said, I still aim to be pretty natural in our lifestyle, especially when it comes to my children.
You'll find me in the aisles of the grocery store reading the back of product labels. No shame in my game.
And while I've been able to find several bath products that are close to all-natural I struggled to find one that was completely natural, until I was introduced to Tubby Todd.
Guys, this stuff is 100% natural. 100%! The nerd in me got way excited about that.
My littlest lady loves the water. So baths have been our saving grace from the time she was born. Cranky? Give her a bath and she'll calm down.
Tired but won't sleep. Papa or I hop in the shower with her and she'll fall asleep on our shoulder. Getting in too much mischief? Bath time!
She's also at the age where I personally prefer to bathe her every day since she in everything everywhere we go! So it's important we have a natural, gentle yet effective wash. That's where Tubby Todd comes in; with all their ingredients being plant-based there's no second guessing what you're using on your kids.
And let's talk about how amazing it smells. Heaven!
My mom is a total hippy (love you, mom!). She was/is a total hipster before it had a name and was cool. So I get a lot of my natural ways from her, one being essential oils. I use them on a daily basis, whether it be diffusing, applying, cleaning with them, etc. Well Tubby Todd uses essential oils in their products! And in the wash is lavender essential oils, hellooooo sleepy time!
Pro tip: A little goes far. Just a dime size amount of wash will clean up your babes and makes for amazing bubbles, you would've thought I added the Tubby Todd Bubble Bath in the water.
And for my fellow cloth diapering mamas, their All Over Ointment is safe to use as a diaper cream, among other uses!
Do ya'll consider yourselves crunchy? Chewy? None of the above?
Whatever your answer, you'll love Tubby Todd. Trust me, I'm not a doctor.
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