Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Gift Buying Guide for Newborns

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I was commiserating with a girlfriend of mine about how baby products have really come a long way from the time she and I had our last two babies (both of our youngest kids are nine years younger than their sibling closest in age) and decided that I'd share some baby products that are/were (she's already outgrown so many "baby" items) loved in our home and would make good gifts for any soon-to-be moms in your life. 

By the time kid number four was on her way onto the scene I already knew that a lot of baby items on the market are overkill. Babies are simple, as in they don't need a lot. And let me tell you, I was a wee bit overwhelmed with all the options since last having a kid. Like, they have machines that are like Kuerigs but they're for formula. Why? Scoop that mess into the bottle and flick your wrist a few times, why do we need a machine?!

Anyway, on with the show... 

Burp cloths. We were given loads of cute ones, but at the end of the day, these old school cloth diapers (that come in a ten pack) do the trick just as well (and hold more puke, pee, mystery stains). Buy one pack and that's all you'll need in the burp cloth department. Or you can opt for that cute three pack for the same price that have trucks or hearts on them, your call. 

Diapers. They're a must. If you're a cloth-diapering momma like myself, my faves are these. They're on the pricier side of the cloth world but are worth every penny. And you'll still be saving thousands in the long run when compared to disposables. 

If cloth ain't your thing, I got you covered. I used these disposables until Avery was about a month old because she was just too tiny for her cloth for those first few weeks. 

Coconut oil. Seriously, from using it as an all natural diaper rash cream to adding it to my homemade baby wipes the uses are endless (Chapstick, post pedicure upkeep, conditioner). Pro tip: Put it on your wet hair when you get out of the shower in the evening. Comb it through. Put  hair in a topknot. And rinse out in the morning. Your hair will be soft as buttah. Smooth as butt-ah? You know what I'm trying to say. Here's the link.

Swaddle. This particular one was my fave. These things are a Godsend. Back in 1937 when I had my oldest they didn't make these, you just had to learn to swaddle using a receiving blanket. Gasp! But nowadays, phew! Faaaaanccccyyyyy. Buy two. So you have one ready while the other is being washed. Trust me. 

Pacifier. I bought every paci in the land of pacis. Hashtag For Real For Real. And she only liked this one. So naturally, I bought stock in them. JK. But I did have about six of those suckers. Get it? Suckers. Hahaha. I seriously make myself laugh and then realise how much of a dweeb I am mid-laugh. Anyway, I had like 6 or 8 or something which is completely absurd but I'd lose them then find them as soon as I order another two-pack. She wasn't ever a huge paci user, which makes it even sillier that I had so many. None of my kids have ever been too interested in pacis for some reason and Av is no different. But when she was a sleepy infant it was the second best thing right after my boob. So if you ever saw my kid with her paci in her mouth as a baby, you knew to run! Because it was a sign that she was sleepy and would be a little terror! Cute. But a terror. 

Carrier. Okay, trust me on this one. Some days I wouldn't have gotten anything done without this. My little lady loves being held. So when she was a newborn and even still now when she's cranky or clingy I'll just "wear" her and go about my day. I've done more cooking, laundry, and puppy ball throwing while wearing her than not. PSA: If you're going to use the carrier often please invest in an ergonomic one rather than an narrow-based one. It's best for babe. I have and love this Tula, it's a little pricey when you see $20 narrow-based carriers at some stores but it is worth every penny.

Onesies. Babies poop and spit up a lot. Enough said. 

Boppy. Unless you want to tuck 26 pillows strategically under your arms and part of your back each time you nurse, treat yo' a boppy, that is. 

Swing. Sweet God Almighty was this thing a lifesaver. And the seat comes off so you can use it as a bouncer without having to buy, well, a bouncer. Score! I wouldn't have showered for days if it weren't for this thing when Avery was a newborn. Get a swing. Your armpits will thank you. 

Bottles. I nurse. And my kid is perpetually attached to my hip so she's only drank from a bottle a handful of times, but when she has it's from these. She seems to like them well enough according to hubby. 

Drying rack. I bought this knowing I likely wouldn't use bottles often but wanted it "just in case". Well, as I stated above, little lady is hardly apart from me so bottles are rarely needed. But let me tell you, this thing lives on my kitchen counter and gets plenty of use. From drying her bowl, spoons, sippy cup, toys I've rinsed off, and even wine glasses, it's the perfect spot for drying so many things.

Books. We heart books on our house. I've read to all the kids since day one and I feel it's super important on many levels. Avery would lay and listen to the entire book The Adventures of Peter Rabbit when she was teeny tiny. Her current fave is this classic, which was her baby brother's that he so graciously gifted to her. She can be in a cranky mood and if I pick this up and say, "Do you wanna read your book?!" She lights up and gets the most adorable smile on her face. It melts my heart. And she'll sit in my lap while I read and act out the book. We read it so much that if she's busy banging on one page I can just recite the rest of the book becusse I have it memorised. Word for word, yall. I'm pretty sure that's a mom thing, right? Where you have at least three books and two cartoon theme songs memorised and have probably sang/recited them all before noon each day. Yeah, a total mom thing. 

So there it is folks, a newborn buying guide if you're looking to gift any new mommas things they will actually use or even if you're a first-time mom and don't want to get in the trap of buying allthething only to find out you wasted hundreds of dollars. If I could only have 11 things as a mom of a newborn these would be it. For real. Well, maybe I'd sub the bottles for a carseat But you get the point.

Happy shopping, y'all!

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