Monday, June 13, 2016


Full Disclosure: The products in this post were provided to me at no cost. However, all words and opinions are my own.

We've been living in America for four weeks now and it's starting to feel like home around here. We still have some tweaking to do and are waiting for furniture deliveries and oh, yeah, I have one entire room that I haven't even remotely touched but slowly we're making this little place ours even if we find out we have to pick right back up and move again this time next year (it'll happen, mark my words). If only I could get Samantha to pull her weight around here.

Moving from Europe is a bit different than moving within the same country - for one, we left our washer and dryer in storage when we moved to Europe three years ago. So while the movers brought the majority of our things one day, we didn't get our storage (AKA washer and dryer) shipment until a few weeks later. So I was left without a means to do laundry. 
Most people would celebrate that, no? But not me, 1. I don't mind laundry (I know, I know, check my temp!) 2. We have 3,746 kids so I need to do laundry daily or else it piles up, literally. So when our washer and dryer showed up it was like Christmas in May! And the timing was perfect because I received a package of amazing products from Everyday Happy around that same time. I was pleasantly surprised by all the goodies they sent and when I saw their Natural Laundry Detergent I put it to immediate use. 

Remember when I recently wrote about simple steps to living a more natural life?  Well, in that post I shared with you that laundry detergent was one area we were still struggling with and unable to find a product that both me and Seth liked. Guess what? We found one! Everyday Happy's Natural Laundry Detergent is free of sulfates, perfumes, dyes, and harsh additives. Which makes it great even for cloth diapering which means I no longer have to buy a detergent for our clothing and another for Avery's diapers.

Another product we now use almost daily is the Bubble Bath. It smells soooooo amazing, and its plant-based, so those of you with kiddos with sensitive skin will love this stuff. 

And can we talk about teenagers and bathrooms really quick? Its a terrifying combo. I typically stay out of the big kids' bathrooms for the most part, I just do a quick QC (quality check) every few days to make sure I don't need to phone in the HazMat team. But let me tell you, the Liquid Hand Soap alone leaves a heavenly lingering scent when the kids use it. Now I just need to get them to toss their clothing that extra three inches to the hamper and we'll be in business.

So, the other day we were headed out with a long list of places to go and things that needed done. I was feeling like Super Mom because I was doing it all alone since hubby was out of town for work. The kitchen was spotless, I just completed a project for the house, the kids were happy, I was looking pulled together for once, and I walk out to the garage to load the car and...I realized I had no shoes on. What?! Who does that? Hot Mess Express, ya'll. The only reason I realized I forgot to put on shoes was because the change of texture in the floor as I stepped into the garage. All this to say, I need every and anything to make my life easier and I know many other parents are on the same crazy train. So streamline your do list and let Everyday Happy send you five of your favorite products of theirs every month automatically. No joke, they offer that service and the price is fantastic. Now if only I could find a service that automatically slips my shoes on my feet before I walk out the door. And another to teach Sam to unpack boxes.

Psst. Diggin' that print in the first photo? Download it here for free.

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