Friday, June 10, 2016

Mealtime Help

Full Disclosure: As a Nuby Parent Blogger I receive products at no cost, however all words and opinions are my own.

So at mealtime, Sam is like a ninja - a large dog ninja that observes every member of her pack (AKA us) and decides who is likely to give her (whether willingly or due to not having perfected their utensil-using skills) the most food. That person is typically Avery because, well, she's 14 months old and has a tendency to be buck wild regardless of if she's eating or not. So Sam sits watch and waits ever so patiently for my little girlfriend to drop her bowl or plate from her highchair. But guess what, ya'll? Little Sammy is a little sadder these days and I'm a little happier because the Nuby Miracle Mat suctions to the highchair. Hallelujah Amen.

We use it every. single. day. And have ever since receiving it about a month ago and let me tell you, she rarely even tries to pull her bowls and plates off the table or highchair tray now. So I think of it as a learning tool as well, between the suction preventing her from lifting it and me reinforcing a "Keep your plate on the tray until you're done eating, please" we've been able to teach her some proper table manners. We still have a little work to do in other areas though.

Another learning tool has been Nuby's 

Clik-It™ FlipN'Sip™ Cup with 360° Weighted Straw. When kids are first learning to use sippy cups, they don't understand to tilt ones that needs sucked from, and to keep a straw cup upright, so this 360 cup is perfect because no matter the angle the cup is being held at your child will get the liquid due to the weighted straw. Confused? I didn't understand it either until I physically opened the cup and saw how it was made. And for older babes that have been drinking from sippys for a while like Avery that understand the concept, this 360 cup is still handy during situations like snuggling on mama's lap while watching TV. When she's partially laying and drinking from it the last thing on her mind is to hold it at the proper angle so again, even if she gets lazy and holds it at a less than ideal angle she'll still get liquid from it. And it doesn't leak, just ensure you here the CLICK when putting the lid on and you're all set!

So while I don't have an au pair or a personal chef I do have help at mealtime in the form of some convenient Nuby products. And since I know my fellow parents can also use a little help head on over to my Instagram to find out how you can win Nuby's Miracle Mat!

Happy weekend, friends. Xx

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