Friday, December 09, 2016

Five Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas

If we're being honest, I wouldn't even have a Christmas tree if I didn't have kids. But I do have kids and I'm not the Scrooge so I happily put up a tree every year. I know many-a-people that are pretty obsessive over their tree and that's cool and all but I'm not. At all. I've always let my kids decorate it with me, it's a tradition I remember doing as a kid; my dad would put up the tree, then my mom and us kids would decorate it, then dad would add the star at the end. Same thing happens in our house, except this year our star wouldn't light and we've yet to get another one so we're starless at the moment. And when the big kids were younger they'd make ornaments and this year Avery made a bunch so our tree is a little handmade hodge podge of sentimental decor. And I love it. I remember our tree being the same as a kid and it'd take so long to decorate our tree because I would stop and look at every single ornament as we hung it up and we'd reminisce on the story behind it. Those ornaments we made in school with our photo on it? Oh man, those had us rolling from laughter about ten years later. Perfectly curled bangs and stone washed jeans! Hello 1990s!

So while my tree isn't themed and the ornaments aren't perfectly placed it doesn't mean I don't like looking at trees that are. And whether you also love just looking or if you are in the I'm obsessed about my Christmas tree camp and want to take some notes, I've rounded up five trees that I think are super cute and that I hope you enjoy.
The first is from By Stephanie Lynn. I just discovered her site the other day and I fell down a Christmas-tree-of-past-years rabbit hole! They're beautiful! But be warned, you may spend a good 30 minutes clicking through different posts on her site because her stuff is just so pleasing to look at. This red tree she did has me like, "yes, please!"
And the black and white buffalo check tree she did last is gorgeous! I feel like every room needs a little black in it when decorating so I'm just drawn to this tree.
I also love white decor so this tree by The Tomkat Studio won me over immediately:
This next one from Shanty 2 Chic has more of a country/rustic vibe. And while it wouldn't be something I'd do to my own tree I think it's still pretty cute and I could see someone that loves the rustic look finding inspiration from this tree.
This last tree from Little Inspiration is super unique and simple. I could see it going in a play room in a fun color and even letting the kids help create it.
Now tell me, what's your Christmas tree M.O.? Are you like me and super laid back about it or are you color coordinated and need it to be Pinterest worthy? Or perhaps you're somewhere in the middle...lemme hear it! 

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