Monday, January 23, 2017

Life Lately

How is January almost over? No clue. No. Clue. But a new year means we are back to reality and it has seriously smacked me straight in the face. 

First, my littlest boo is almost two. She's funny, sassy, independent and yet doesn't want to let go of the boob. I was hoping she'd self-wean by two but its not looking like that's going to happen, so my plan is to sloooooowly wean her myself. I know it'll take months but I'm already feeling guilty about the process...but its time. I love nursing, I know its best for her nutritionally, I know its amazing for her immunity, I know its mother nature at work, but I also know that while nursing her has luckily been very easy, and natural, and an amazing bonding experience its also been almost TWO YEARS and we plan to have one final kiddo within the next year or two and I'd really like to give my body a break (and have it be MINE again haha) before getting pregnant and then starting this nursing experience with our next kiddo. 

Ari is kicking ass in gymnastics, but then again she kicks ass in everything she chooses to do. She's so happy and bubbly each time I pick her up from gym and that just makes my heart so happy. Also, the kid has researched the housing market in various parts of the United States, selected which University she'd like to attend, and has a 10 year plan. So when she asked when she's getting her driving permit i really shouldn't have been shocked. Its coming and I'm terrified and elated all at once. Avery loves swim class and anytime we do back floats she thinks its time to nap and nurse. Seriously, she's a squealing ball of energy when we are doing jumps off the edge into the pool and then in the next minute when its time to back-float she gets heavy-eyed then asks for "milkies". Like, no baby-boo, we are in the middle of swim class. Ethan is turning 17 in a few weeks. I don't want to talk about it. Moving on. Owen continues to be "the little professor", he loves learning, has an insane memory, and is so witty and funny and I just can never get over it. 

I've got a lot of big things in the works as well and they should all be in full effect within the next few weeks. I've been wanting to do these things for a while but kept putting them off, waiting for "life to slow down" but guess what? Its not gonna slow down; my husband's office is a multi-million dollar fighter jet, I have a toddler, a tween, a teen, and an older teen that will be heading off to college in like 18 months, a house to keep clean, bellies to keep filled, brains to develop, souls to nurture, and my own personal goals and needs so now's as good a time as any, right? I'm so excited for where this New Year takes us, 2016 was pretty awesome, 2017 has a hard act to follow. Much love, friends. Have a happy week.

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