Friday, July 31, 2015

Six Weeks

Seth got home last week after being gone for six...

It felt like six months.
I think I had maaaaayyyybe 20 minutes of time alone the whole time he was gone, as in no kids on me or in the same room as me for 20 minutes. Total. In six weeks. 

If you're doing the math you have realised that I pee and shower with at least one child speaking to me through an open or an ever-so-slightly cracked door or in the same room as me 90% of the time. Oh sweet motherhood. 

And I suppose it sounds strange to some but it's just how I operate when I have one as young as Avery. Attachment parenting runs deep in my veins. And so does coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

With Love's return came a house decorated by the kids with streamers and balloons. Balloons that still litter the floors over a week later. Cards. Presents. Custom-made paintings that left me with a messy counter over the course of three days. And sweet treats baked to perfection. You'd think he had been gone a solid year judging by the celebration we had. But Daddy is kind of a big deal around here so...

His return also meant our first night out alone since Avery was born. She reportedly slept the whole time we were gone and didn't even drink the bottles I pumped for her.  She's only taken a bottle two or three times meaning I truly didn't know how much to leave her so I erred on the side of caution and left more than enough. And it all went to waste. Womp. At least she didn't miss us though since she was out cold and all.

According to my girlfriend we woke Av up as we walked in the front door. The kid'll sleep through the dog barking, the kids talking all at the same time, the TV, the door bell, and daddy flying his insanely loud jet over the house.

But the moment we open the front door and keep chatting, she's up. Until midnight.  

Hence my coffee veins.

Perhaps the most noteworthy part of the whole evening out was that getting a few hours of alone time meant I took the time to put on a bra, real pants, and run a brush through my hair. *Raise the roof (and my drink)*


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